Seadragon.Rect Class

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A class that represents a rectangle.


Signature Description
Seadragon.Rect() Creates a rectangle at (0, 0) of size 0 x 0.
Seadragon.Rect(x, y, width, height) Creates a rectangle at (x, y) of size width x height.


Name Type Description
x Number The left edge of the rectangle.
y Number The top edge of the rectangle.
width Number The width of the rectangle.
height Number The height of the rectangle.


Name and Signature Return Type Description
getAspectRatio() Number Returns this rectangle's aspect ratio (width / height).
getTopLeft() Seadragon.Point Returns (x, y) as a Seadragon.Point.
getBottomRight() Seadragon.Point Returns (x + width, y + height) as a Seadragon.Point.
getCenter() Seadragon.Point Returns (x + 0.5 * width, y + 0.5 * height) as a Seadragon.Point.
getSize() Seadragon.Point Returns (width, height) as a Seadragon.Point.
equals(rect) Boolean Returns true if this rectangle has the same x, y, width and height as the given rectangle.